+91 9437450283, +91 9338029905

[email protected]


VARRAT, stands for Voluntary Association for Rural Reconstruction & Appropriate Technology, is a glaring example of how an organisation takes its birth from the local level issues, gradually builds its strength and moves forward to focus on the broader social issues and concerns, a response to the localised needs.

The inception of VARRAT was primarily a naïve attempt to do good for the people who are in distress and are from poor and disadvantaged families. But with the passage of time organization has gathered momentum over the years coping with changing dynamism. Needless to say - it has all over been a plus point on the part of the organisation that all its prime ventures have now turned quite futuristic as development perspective for the people of its operational areas in general and for the direct beneficiaries in particular.

Over the years as yet VARRAT has been successful to integrate its perceptions to its development initiatives in operational areas by virtue of its basic principles of 3Cs i.e. Community Institution, Community Participation and Community Empowerment. This has virtually enabled the organization to collect and combine efforts on partnership building with different stakeholders, inducing confidence among the community members through collaborations and has thus ensured enabling environment to strengthen community efforts towards gender rights and social justice.

For past few years VARRAT is in an inclusive approach with the involvement of Children in the decision making process. Hence a process has meanwhile been initiated basing upon which Child led activities will be decided in area specific manner.

VARRAT has even initiated ICT based Agricultural Promotion to maximise the production of small and marginal farmers and in a process been replicated in nutrition and health and reaching 192 villages.