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May 05, 2019

Atoms can serve as natural laboratories for testing certain fundamental

Prof.Bijaya Kumar Sahoo
Theoretical Physics Division

Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
Title:Probing Fundamental Particles Through Atoms: a key role by a
HPC facility

Atoms can serve as natural laboratories for testing certain fundamental issues in particle and nuclear physics. In some aspects, standard models (SMs) of particle and nuclear physics fail to explain some of the subtle physical properties that are observed in the nature. Understanding of minute detail of spectroscopy and dynamic of electrons in an atomic system is also very interesting to many physicists. With the advent of modern experimental techniques and advances in the theoretical methods using the high performance computing (HPC) facility, it is possible now to approach towards learning many hidden atomic properties from which important information regarding particle and atomic nucleus are extracted.
In the present talk, I shall illustrate some of the examples how atoms are used to probe certain fundamental physics of nature and what is the role of a HPC facility in these studies.